General Debate: Pre-recorded statements (Day 2)

06 October 2021
09:30 - 18:00 hrs. (CEST) / 03:30-12:00 hrs. (AST)
Virtual Conference Centre, Bougainvillea Auditorium

The General Debate was the opportunity for member States to express their views on the substantive issues of the Conference through formal statements.

Video recordings of all statements are available to download.

Country Statements:


The General Debate is the opportunity for member States to express their views on the substantive issues of the Conference through formal statements.

The general statements will be broadcast on the UNCTAD 15 Virtual Conference Platform in the Bougainvillea Room.

Statements will be heard on 5 and 6 October, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

Given technical and logistical constraints surrounding the Conference it will not be possible to accommodate live in-person statements and all statements for the general debate will be pre-recorded in advance, including those by Ambassadors based in Geneva.

Tentative speaker schedule

Morning session - 09:30-12:30 hrs. (CEST)

Nauru, Portugal, Czechia, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Nepal, Cambodia, Qatar, Botswana, Brazil, Lesotho, Gambia, Netherlands, France, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mozambique, Germany, Sweden, Serbia, Egypt, Malta, Tunisia, Malaysia, Lebanon, Italy


Afternoon session - 15:00-18:00 hrs. (CEST)

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Argentina, Belarus, Nigeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Barbados, Pakistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Côte d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, Madagascar, South Africa, Seychelles, Benin, Canada, Paraguay, United Republic of Tanzania, Angola, Gabon, Estonia, Japan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Hungary, Ghana, Australia, Austria, Cameroon, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova

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05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  
05 Oct 2021  -  Agenda item 7  

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