Conference Theme
“From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all”

Building on the theme of the UNCTAD14 conference, which emphasized the need to move from decision to action, UNCTAD's 15th quadrennial conference, UNCTAD15, seeks a concrete decade of action in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. The conference is focused on reducing inequality and vulnerability by ensuring trade works for all and that development remains high on the global agenda. The theme, “From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all”, is a clarion call to work to fix the fractures across the world in favour of prosperity for all. UNCTAD15 takes place online, hosted by Barbados, from 3 to 7 October, 2021.

The declaration will serve as a springboard for youth diplomacy to grow into a legitimate force and shape the trade and development agenda in the coming years.

During the four-day conference, world leaders, ministers of trade, leading economists and heads of UN agencies and global financial institutions called for a new development model, with socioeconomic transformation and sustainability at its centre.

Good policy choices and actions will make the difference in steering technological change towards economic recovery and development outcomes that leave no one behind.

The 15th session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development was the first to feature a forum dedicated to gender and development.

General Debate
The General Debate was the opportunity for member States to express their views on the substantive issues of the Conference through formal statements.
All statements are available to download as PDF or video recordings.
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As countries seek to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, a young businesswoman in Guinea-Bissau is stimulating growth through entrepreneurship.

The UNCTAD TrainForTrade programme offers port professionals opportunities for training, networking and knowledge sharing.