How to use the Reform Tracker course for members of the National Trade Facilitation Committee of Egypt

31 January - 01 February 2024
09:00-17:00 (GMT+3)
, Egypt

Following the launch of the Reform Tracker in Egypt, UNCTAD experts will deliver a training on ‘How to use the Reform Tracker’ to the members of the NTFC. The training will include: 

  • Training members of the NTFC in using the features of the Reform Tracker. 
  • Validation exercise of findings in the assessment of the implementation of the WTO TFA in the Reform Tracker. 
  • Updating tasks and reforms contemplated in the Reform Tracker.
Sponsor / funding:
The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland acting through His Majesty's Revenue and Customs

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Transport, logistics and trade facilitation




Arántzazu Sánchez Belastegui
Trade Facilitation Section of UNCTAD
[email protected]

Tarig Ahmed
Trade Facilitation Section of UNCTAD
[email protected]