03 - 04 October 2023
, Malawi

The workshop will consist of statistical and methodological training for statisticians on the Productive Capacities Index (PCI).

The main objectives of the statistical training are:

  • To build statistical capacities of Malawi through the training of national statistical experts to compute and interpret country-specific PCI;
  • To share statistical and methodological as well as computational aspects of the PCI and to expose national statisticians to UNCTAD’s Productive Capacities Index (PCI);
  • To enhance the capacity of Malawian statistical experts to initiate processes to enhance the validity of the results for Malawi;
  • To explore how the PCI can be used in national statistics and policy-making processes;
  • To foster a network of national statisticians who work and exchange on PCI; and
  • To collect feedback for the Statistical and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) of the PCI.
Sponsor / funding:

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