A feasibility study on the development of cotton by-products in Malawi was carried out within the framework of a project on technology transfer for cotton by-products in Malawi, implemented by UNCTAD and financed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework. The study was carried out by a national independent consultant, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Trade in Malawi, under the coordination of UNCTAD, the WTO and ITC.
The feasibility study aims to assess the potential of Malawi to develop cotton by-products as a value chain in parallel to cotton production. Among the important elements of the study are the identification of priority cotton by-products for Malawi, the assessment of the investments and technologies needed, the analysis of the roles of existing and potential stakeholders, as well as the review of government policies for the cotton sector.
A validation workshop for the aforementioned study will finalize its preliminary findings and recommendations. The consultant will present the study and its results, while participants will have the opportunity to share their views as well as information and new data on the potential of cotton by-product valuation activities in Malawi.
Relevant stakeholders, including cotton farmers and their associations, government officials, as well as national and international partners, will provide valuable input to the finalization of the report through comments and group discussions.