Meeting Date
21 – 22 March 2019
Kigali, Rwanda


Rwanda is a landlocked developing country in Eastern Africa. It has achieved average growth rates exceeding 7% per annum over the last two decades, thereby outperforming its peers as one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Its success is linked to the proactive role of the Government in formulating and effectively implementing policies and strategies. The country’s “Vision 2020”, which aims to shift Rwanda from a predominantly agrarian economy into a knowledge-based, highly productive economy by 2020 is part and parcel of such transformational development policies. To achieve the vision’s key objectives, throughout the past decades, the Government has implemented successive Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategies, targeting economic transformation, rural development, youth employment and accountable governance.

Continuous economic growth has allowed Rwanda to achieve significant socio-economic progress. However, despite remarkable progress and demonstrated commitment by the Government, Rwanda still faces many challenges in building productive capacities and structurally transforming its economy. As Rwanda aims to move towards achieving middle- and, gradually, high-income status, it is necessary for the country to foster productive capacities, export diversification and structural economic transformation.


UNCTAD aims to implement a comprehensive technical assistance and capacity-building programme to build productive capacities and address the binding constraints to export diversification, inclusive economic growth and sustainable development.

19 Mar 2019
