Fostering productive capacities is critically important for the inclusive and sustained economic growth and development of landlocked developing countries, and other structurally weak and vulnerable economies.
Productive capacities encompass three core elements:
- Productive resources;
- Entrepreneurial capabilities; and
- Production linkages.
These elements are not only vital determinants of the growth prospects of an economy. They also contribute to the achievement of the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this context, the joint UNCTAD/Namibia Statistics Agency regional capacity building training will provide an opportunity to show the Productive Capacities Index (PCI). Created by the UNCTAD Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, the PCI, built on the core concept of productive capacities, will serve as a major monitoring and evaluation tool to track progress towards the SDGs, and will also identify critical areas for possible policy interventions.
Participants will include ministers and senior officials from African landlocked developing and least developed beneficiary countries and experts from accredited institutions. The Ministerial and Expert Segments of the meeting will be open to broad public participation, including governments, the business community, academics and other
participants interested in productive capacities and the use of data for evidence-based policy making.
"Diversifying the economy of a country into sectors that will continue to grow is undoubtedly beneficial. Increasing the number of export destinations greatly impacts export diversification.
On this note, scaling up productive capacities contributes to strengthening our firms, thus increasing the reach and diversification of our exports."
Pinkie Kebakile
Botswana Institute for Policy Making
"Financial capability, intended as the ability and opportunity to act, greatly contributes to well being. For this reason, we advise to include financial and budgeting education in schools and families.
Moreover, financial-wise individuals foster productive capacities thanks to their contribution to a thriving financial environment."
Lizl Stoman
Survey Warehouse, Namibia
"The structure of exports from Rwanda is rapidly diversifying.
For this reason, policy makers should push on economy-wide programmes to deepen the supply chain, offer opportunities in key sectors and build productive capacities."
Dickson Malunda
Institute of Policy Analysis and Research
"In the framework of the opportunities offered by the regional trade negotiations, the Kingdom of Eswatini offers an incredible export potential for both trade in goods and trade in services.
Therefore, building up productive capacities is critical to tap the potential of these opportunities."
Lungile Dlamini
Deputy Director of Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade