Stakeholder Consultations on Draft Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies Report for Costa Rica

26 June 2019
11:00 - 08:00 hrs. Universidad Técnica Nacional
, Costa Rica

ditc-ted-26062019-oceans-CotaRica-fish1-400.jpg​Within the framework of the UNCTAD-DOALOS project “Evidence-based and policy coherent oceans economy and trade strategies,” (OETS project) one of the main activities is the preparation of a report on Oceans Economy and Trade Strategies for the two sectors selected in the workshop held in 2018 – namely, large pelagics and coastal fish.

In this context, COMEX and INCOPESCA agreed with the OETS project consultants to coordinate a meeting with experts on the different stages of the value chain related to fisheries products from the two selected sectors, including experts on the different stages of pre-production; production; industrialization; and national and international commercialization.

The participants envisioned to participate in the consultation include representatives from the public sector: COMEX, INCOPESCA, PROCOMER, CNP, SENASA, INA, Central Bank and MEIC; and from the private sector: including, CANEP, Cooperatives and Associations of producers, as well as academic sector (UNA, UTN).

The objective of the workshop is to initiate the development of a strategy to enable the integration and strengthen the different links and stages of these value chains at the national level with a view to reach internal, regional and international markets. The contents developed in the consultations will be included in the Costa Rica OETS Report.

06 Jun 2019

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Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch


UNCTAD: Mr. David Vivas Eugui [email protected]
DOALOS: Mr. Francios Bailet [email protected]
COMEX: Mr. Jaime Mora [email protected]
INCOPESCA: Mr. José Centeno [email protected]