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Puerto Buenos Aires, Argentina
Credits: Puerto Buenos Aires

Meeting Date
12 – 14 March 2025
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Spanish-speaking Network of UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Port Management Program, organizes the delivery of Module 5 of the Modern Port Management course on "Methods and Tools of Port Management" in collaboration with the General Administration of Ports, Port Administration of Comodoro Rivadavia, and the Port Authorities of Gijón, Las Palmas, and Valencia.

The training takes place from 12 to 14 March 2025 and is intended for the fifth cohort, comprising 24 port administrators (including 12 women). The training course is conducted by a port expert from the Port Authority of Valencia and national professionals certified by UNCTAD.

The TrainForTrade Port Management Program supports port communities in their quest for efficient and competitive management. To promote international trade and foster economic development, the program creates port networks that bring together public, private, and international entities.

Administración General de Puertos – Puerto Buenos Aires; Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón; Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas; Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia; Puertos del Estado
Sponsor / funding:
Administración General de Puertos – Puerto Buenos Aires; Administración Portuaria del Puerto Comodoro Rivadavia; Ministerio de Transportes y movilidad sostenible; Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia
