24 November 2020
17:00 - 19:45 hrs. CET, 9–11.45 a.m. San José, Costa Rica time

Please register through https://www.eventbrite.com/e/marcas-sectoriales-para-el-sector-pesquero-de-costa-rica-tickets-128665827955

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office for Legal Affairs (DOALOS) have been jointly implementing the "Ocean Economy and Trade Strategies" project since 2018 in Costa Rica with the support of the United Nations Development Account. This project is being implemented in Costa Rica under the leadership and support of COMEX and INCOPESCA. After a process open to all stakeholders of more than two years the Costa Rican Oceans and Trade Economics Strategy has already been approved and published.

Based on the recommendations proposed by the Strategy, the national counterparts of the project have selected as priority implementation actions the development of regulations and process of registration of a collective mark or certification for seafood in Costa Rica, as well as the need to identify experiences in the field of traceability systems suitable for the country.

The objective of this training event is to exchange national, as well as other countries, experiences in the use of various forms of distinctive signs, more precisely collective marks, as a marketing tool to promote the origin, quality and sustainability of Costa Rican fish and seafood products. The event will also cover some experiences in traceability systems to ensure transparency on the capture, origin, distribution and marketing process of fisheries products.

The event is aimed at public officials, representatives of the fishing industry and representatives of other actors in the sector (companies, research centres, and non-profit organizations, etc.).

Given the situation brought by COVID-19 the event will be virtual.

Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office for Legal Affairs (DOALOS)

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