Well-functioning transport networks and corridors are essential for countries' trade competitiveness, economic growth, and social progress Promoting the development of road transport and economic corridors is of high importance for regional connectivity and integration. Corridor development initiatives provide practical solutions for streamlining regional trade policy and the regulatory environment. They also contribute to improving border-crossing procedures, removing behind the border constraints, and modernizing logistics and transport vehicles and equipment.
Algeria, Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Tunisia (members of the Trans-Saharan Road Liaison Committee, TRLC), have invested heavily in the implementation of the TSR Corridor road network, through their own financial resources or with the support of financing institutions, with a view to enhancing sub-regional economic integration. However, investments in physical connectivity infrastructure, while necessary, are not, in themselves, sufficient to transform the existing road corridor into an efficient regional logistics and economic corridor. Transport and trade facilitation measures and services which are equally important but often complex and difficult to implement are also required.
This event is framed within a project implemented by UNCTAD, in collaboration with TRLC and funded by the IsDB that seeks to develop insights from analysis to propose a corridor management mechanism, enabling the regional corridor to emerge as a successful economic corridor.
This event will allow sharing key findings of a regional study with key stakeholders in beneficiary countries. The aim of the study is to promote and commercialize the TSR Corridor. Comments and feedback received from stakeholders will inform the development of an action plan that establishes the framework for regional cooperation and sets up a suitable and effective corridor management mechanism.
This event will be attended by key stakeholders in the six TSR corridor member countries and will include representatives from the TLRC, as well as the ministries of Public Works and Transport.
- Comité de Liaison de la Route Transsaharienne (CLRT)
- Islamic Development Bank, Regional Cooperation and Integration Operational Strategy
- IsDB Technical Cooperation Project for a Regional Study on Commercialization of the Trans-Saharan Road Corridor through the Development of a Regional Corridor Management Mechanism
Transport, logistics and trade facilitationProject
Frida Youssef
Chief, Transport Section at Trade Logistics Branch