07 December 2023
10:00 - 12:00 hrs. CET

Sustainable Smart Ports for Africa: leveraging the energy transition for improved performance

In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, an UNCTAD-led project entitled “Sustainable smart ports for African countries” is underway to support African ports in advancing towards harnessing the potential for (i) producing, using and distributing renewable energy and (ii) energy efficiency-related technology-driven solutions.

As part of this initiative, stakeholders from the public and private sectors in African ports engaged in the interface of port operations and energy transition, along with regional entities, will convene on 7 December 2023 for a virtual discussion about: key principles and concepts, experiences and best practices, and regional dynamics in Africa, encompassing strategies, needs and challenges, and how to address these to capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead for African ports.


  • Raise awareness to enhance understanding of the concept of Sustainable Smart Ports (SSP), its relevance, as well as of cross-sectoral policies and measures that promote the SSP principles.

  • Introduce UNCTAD's approach and methodology to undertake a gap analysis and design a sequenced approach to advance policy reforms.

  • Exchange views and share experiences.


In the first session of the Webinar, the UNCTAD Secretariat and the IMO will provide an introduction about the fundamental determinants of sustainable smart ports, present  UNCTAD's approach and methodology, and focus on what policymakers can do to develop an SSP.

In the second session, energy experts and representatives from the African region will share experiences regarding national strategies and challenges, potential financing schemes, and the importance of a collaborative approach.

At the end of the event, experts will answer questions or comments from the audience and gather input to endorse UNCTAD's methodology.


  • Frida Youssef, Chief, Transport Section, UNCTAD


1. Session: Sustainable Smart Ports - Why? What? How?

  • Aidée Saucedo, Technical Officer, International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • Luisa Rodriguez, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD
  • Adson Hofman and Robbert Groenen, UNCTAD Consultants

Questions for experts

  • What are sustainable smart ports, why are they relevant, and which policymaking spheres are important for their implementation?
  • How can we take stock of a port's SSP status to plan an approach and realize its potential?

2. Session: Energy transition and ports in Africa - Sharing experiences

  • Kailash Dhunnoo, Senior Manager Technical Services, Mauritius Port Authority
  • Nelson Mojarro, Head of Innovation and Partnerships, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Questions for experts

  • From the lens of an African port, what opportunities or strategies exist, and what specific challenges must be tackled to foster the development of an SSP?
  • How can collaboration and partnerships support African ports in harnessing the potential of SSPs?
Sort by:  Symbol  |  Title  |  Date  |  Agenda item

IMO policies and how they contribute to promoting the use and distribution of renewable energy in African ports
07 Dec 2023
The Sustainable Smart Port concept: Definition and key issues
07 Dec 2023
Sustainable Smart Ports: How can we take stock of the SSP status of a port to plan an approach to realize its potential?
07 Dec 2023
Clean Energy Marine Hubs: An Initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial
07 Dec 2023
Energy Transition & Ports in Africa
07 Dec 2023

English  |    



Transport, logistics and trade facilitation




Luisa Rodriguez
Economic Affairs Officer, Transport Section
Trade Logistics Branch / DTL
[email protected]
(+41) 22 917 4543

Camila Struempfler
Associate Expert, Transport Section
Trade Logistics Branch / DTL
[email protected]