United Kingdom funds project on Trade Facilitation

03 September 2015

​The United Kingdom will fund a capacity building project to be implemented by UNCTAD and the World Customs Organization, which aims to support the implementation of the World Trade Organisation's Trade Facilitation Agreement in developing and least developed countries.

UNCTAD is joining forces with the UK and WCO to advance the entry into force and implementation of the World Trade Organisation's Trade Facilitation Agreement.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and UNCTAD.

UNCTAD's long-standing expertise in establishing and assisting in operating National Trade Facilitation Committees will be an important contribution to the success of the project.

The project, which will run over a three year period, will receive total funding of GBP 2,7 million of which GBP 300,000 is earmarked for UNCTAD activities.

"This project show cases how donors and international organizations can collaborate to deliver value-added assistance to developing and least developed countries on the implementation of the TFA," said UNCTAD Secretary-General, Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi.

UNCTAD, in partnership with recipient countries, will focus on the following activities:

  • Conduct needs assessment, including possible development of tailored Country Activity Projects.
  • Deliver capacity building in accordance with the Country Activity Projects.
  • Provide direction and support in the establishment and operation of a National Trade Facilitation Committees in recipient countries, based on UNCTAD's particular recognized expertise in this field.