Registration and participation

Online registration is mandatory for all UNCTAD15 conference participants. This page provides information on registration for the conference itself.

How to register for UNCTAD15:

  • Select the group that you represent below
  • Follow the link to the registration portal and set up your profile (have an image of yourself ready to upload)
  • Fill out the registration form, click register and you will receive a notification and updates on your registration status


A separate online registration is required for each of the pre-events, other side events, and the forums.

For the forums, it is necessary to register on the web page of each forum to secure participation:


Member States

In accordance with rule 13 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, the credentials of representatives of States members of UNCTAD are to be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country concerned. Those credentials, together with the names of alternate representatives and advisers, should be communicated to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD.

Please note that all members of an official delegation must be included in the letter of credentials. Other delegation members should be listed in a separate note verbale sent through your permanent mission in Geneva.

All members of official delegations and other members are required to register online for the Conference.

As part of this registration process, a copy of the letter of credentials for the official delegation and a note verbale for the other members of the delegation must be uploaded on to the registration system.

The original letter of credentials should be sent to the UNCTAD secretariat at the following address:

Intergovernmental Support Service
Office E-8123
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Enquiries should be sent to:

Intergovernmental Organizations

Representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency and intergovernmental organizations that have been invited to attend, as per rule 80 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, should provide a letter of credentials duly signed by the head of their organization, and those credentials, together with the names of alternate representatives and advisers, should be communicated to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD.

Please note that all members of the official delegation must be included in the letter of credentials. Other delegation members should be listed in a separate note verbale sent to the secretariat.

All members are required to register online for the Conference.

As part of this registration process, the letter of credentials for the official delegation and a note verbale for other members must be uploaded on to the registration system.

The original letter of credentials should be sent to the UNCTAD secretariat at the following address:

Intergovernmental Support Service
Office E-8123
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Enquiries should be sent to:

Download: List of intergovernmental organizations participating in the activities of UNCTAD

United Nations, Specialized Agencies and Related Organizations

Representatives of United Nations, specialized agencies and related organizations that have been invited to attend the Conference should provide a letter of credentials duly signed by the head of their organization, and those credentials, together with the names of alternate representatives and advisers, should be communicated to the Secretary-General of UNCTAD.

Please note that all members of the official delegation must be included in the letter of credentials. Other delegation members should be listed in a separate note verbale sent to the secretariat.

All members of official delegation and other members are required to register online for the Conference.

As part of this registration process, the letter of credentials for the official delegation and a note verbale for the entourage must be uploaded on to the registration system.

The original letter of credentials should be sent to the UNCTAD secretariat at the following address:

Intergovernmental Support Service
Office E-8123
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Enquiries should be sent to:

Download: The United Nations System in English  |   Français  |   Español  |   العربية  |   简体中文  |   Русский


Academics, university professors, researchers and faculty members who have either been invited to participate in or wish to attend the Conference are requested to register online for the Conference.

A copy of the individual invitation issued by UNCTAD, or an endorsement letter from the Head of Department or Vice-Chancellor of their institution confirming their status and clearly explaining their academic interest, should be uploaded during the online registration process.

Final confirmation of participation will be subject to approval by the UNCTAD secretariat.

Enquiries should be sent to

Private Sector

Representatives from private sector businesses who have either been invited to or wish to attend the Conference are requested to register online for the Conference.

Please note that after the registration process and prior to approval of participation the secretariat may request further information from participants.

Final confirmation of participation will be subject to approval by the UNCTAD secretariat.

Enquiries should be sent to:


The UNCTAD Youth Forum will offer young people the opportunity to join UNCTAD15 discussions. The forum will take place online from 16 to 18 September 2021. It is open to students or young professionals aged between 18 and 30 from all continents who are interested in helping shape the future they want.

More information on the registration process is available on the Youth Forum page.

Youth representatives who have been formally selected and invited to participate in the Youth Forum can also register for the online UNCTAD15 Conference that will take place from 3 to 7 October. Final confirmation of participation will be  subject to approval by the UNCTAD secretariat.

Enquiries should be sent to

Press and Media

Media accreditation for UNCTAD15 is strictly reserved for members of the press – print, photo, radio, TV, film, news agencies and online journalists – who represent a bona fide media organization.


Guidelines for applicants


All members of the press are required to register online for the Conference.

Incomplete requests

Incomplete requests will not be processed. Confirmation of your accreditation will be sent to the email address provided in the form.

Double accreditation

Double accreditation (e.g., both as a journalist and a delegate) is not allowed.

Enquiries should be sent to:

Civil Society

The UNCTAD15 Civil Society Forum will take place online from 22 to 24 September, prior to the Conference. It will provide participating civil society organizations (CSOs) with the opportunity to discuss and formulate their views on issues related to the Conference’s agenda.

CSOs wishing to take part in the forum must register. More information on the registration process is available on the Civil Society Forum page.

The Conference

CSO representatives who have successfully registered for the Civil Society Forum can also register for the online UNCTAD15 Conference that will take place from 3 to 7 October.

All representatives must be designated by the head of their organization before their online registration for the Conference is approved. An official letter (signed by the head of the organization on the official letterhead) should be emailed to: The letter should indicate the job title and full contact information of each representative.

Final confirmation of participation will be subject to approval by the UNCTAD secretariat. A confirmation email will be sent to the CSO designated representative.

Only representatives who have been designated by the head of their organization and have registered online for UNCTAD15 will be able to participate in the Conference.

Enquiries should be sent to:

Other Guests, Invitees and Panellists

Guests, invitees and panellists who do not fall into any of the above categories who have either been invited to or wish to attend the Conference are requested to register online for the Conference.

Please note that after the registration process and prior to approval of participation the secretariat may request further information from participants.

Final confirmation of participation will be subject to approval by the UNCTAD secretariat.

Enquiries should be sent to:


