05 March 2025
15:00 - 16:30 hrs. Room 19, Palais des Nations & Online
, Switzerland

Marine pollution is a critical threat to ocean health, with 80% originating from land-based activities, of which 85% is plastic waste (UNEP, 2021). This pollution endangers ecosystems, biodiversity, and livelihoods, turning the ocean into a "bottomless trash bin."

2025 marks the deadline for SDG 14.1, which aims to significantly reduce marine pollution, especially from land-based sources. While innovative solutions have made progress, plastic trade continues to rise. UNCTAD statistics on global exports of plastics and plastic-based goods show this trade more than doubled in value since 2005, reaching $1.2 trillion in 2022. However, non-plastic substitutes are expanding rapidly, with global exports reaching $831 billion in 2022, growing 30% faster than plastics (UNCTAD, 2022).

Entrepreneurs play a key role in driving scalable solutions to the pollution crisis, from sustainable materials and biodegradable technologies to circular plastic systems and alternative food sources. By leveraging trade, these innovations can create a global impact.

This session brings together beneficiaries and partners of the UK-UNCTAD Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) Programme, and will highlight real-world solutions addressing marine pollution at its source, featuring biodegradable materials, cultural upcycling in coastal communities, novel seaweed-based foods, and circular natural fibres from agricultural waste to reduce reliance on synthetic textiles, a major source of ocean pollution.


  • Contribute to discussions at the UN Ocean Conference 2025 (Nice, June 2025) by highlighting scalable, market-driven solutions.
  • Connect policymakers, trade experts, businesses, and innovators to explore strategies for integrating sustainability into global trade.
  • Showcase successful SMEP-supported initiatives that align innovation with policy and investment, advancing SDGs 12 and 14.


Moderator: Mr. Henrique Pacini, SMEP Programme Lead, UNCTAD

3:00 - 3:10 p.m. Opening Remarks by Chantal Line Carpentier, Head, Trade and Environment, UNCTAD


  • Mr. James Boyd-Moss, Mananasi Fibre (Kenya): Scaling banana & pineapple fibres for sustainable textiles
  • Mr. Dipesh Pabari, The FlipFlopi Project (Kenya): Community-engaging & creative circular economy models for plastic waste
  • Ms. Emma Algotsson, Catchgreen (South Africa): Biodegradable solutions for fishing gear and seaweed farming
  • Ms. Julia Reisser, Uluu (Australia): Seaweed-based compostable plastics (PHA)
  • Ms. Alejandra Allendes, Quelp (Chile): Seaweed-based food systems for sustainable nutrition
  • Mr. Alejandro Rivera Rojas, UNIDO: Strengthening local industries for a sustainable ocean economy

4:00 - 4:30 p.m.  Moderated Q&A


Emma Algotsson
Project Lead

Emma Algotsson is an environmental lawyer investigating the drivers of environmental impacts and finding solutions in innovation. She is the project lead for Catchgreen  - a cross-sector collaborative research project that has developed and tested a new material for biodegradable fishing nets.

Emma’s role encompasses innovation in business models, product design, and piloting of new materials and technologies. Emma further heads up Catchgreen’s advocacy outreach and policy development, with a focus on trade and waste management interventions.

Alejandro Rivera Rojas
Industrial Development Officer MSME Development and Job Creation Unit (MDJ) Division of MSME Competitiveness, Quality and Job Creation (SME)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization

30 years of professional experience in the development of innovation, science, and technology policies and ecosystems; industrial resources efficiency use and circular economy, innovation management standards; quality infrastructure for market access of fisheries and aquaculture, SMEs upgrading and digital transformation.

Currently coordinating UNIDO Task Force efforts related to the Blue Industry Programmatic Framework development and its contribution to the Blue Economy.

UNCTAD, The SMEP Programme, UNIDO, FlipFlopi, Catchgreen, Bananatex EA, Mananasi Fibre, Quelp, Uluu
Sponsor / funding:

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