23 February 2024
09:00 - 13:30 hrs.
, South Africa

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has a project promoting technology assessment (TA) in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa.

In South Africa, following a comprehensive review of national development plans and the technological landscape, it has been decided that the focus of the TA will be on electrolysis production for green hydrogen production.

In order to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach, essential for generating ap-propriate policy recommendations for the TA report, the insights and perspectives of stakeholders must be heard. With the objective of garnering valuable perspectives from all relevant stakeholders, the Department of Science and Innovation of South Africa and UNCTAD have decided to organise a virtual stakeholder workshop.

The workshop targets South African government officials, officials from regulating agencies and public utility companies, representatives of academic and research institutions, representative from the civil society (including those from rural communities, youth as-sociations, and women associations), and representatives from the private sector and financial institutions. Relevant local staff of the TA project and two representatives of the UNCTAD team will also participate.

Department of Science and Technology, South Africa

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