UNCTAD is the focal point within the UN on competition and consumer protection issues, as contained in General Assembly resolutions 35/63 of 22 April 1980 for competition and 70/186 of 22 December 2015 for consumer protection.
The purpose of our work is to contribute to poverty reduction and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by improving the functioning of markets through strengthened competition and consumer protection. UNCTAD fulfils this mandate through three key functions: providing a forum for intergovernmental deliberations; undertaking research, policy analysis and data collection; and providing technical assistance to developing countries.
The RPP was established in 2010 as an informal mechanism to engage researchers in UNCTAD’s work on competition and consumer protection. The eighth United Nations Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices, held in 2020, recognised “the useful role of the platform in strengthening UNCTAD research and policy analysis capacities and linking research findings to the UNCTAD technical cooperation pillar".
Through the RPP, we have identified broad areas of focus for our work. These include:
- Design and implementation of effective competition and consumer protection law and policy regimes in developing countries.
- Regional and international cooperation in competition and consumer protection law enforcement.
- Competition and consumer protection policies in the digital era.
- Competition, consumer protection and sustainability.
- Contribution of competition and consumer protection policies to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
We invite research partners to share with us about their research work in the areas mentioned above.
- Mission
UNCTAD supports member States in the fields of competition and consumer policies through its three pillars of work: consensus building; research and analysis; technical assistance and capacity building.
The RPP aims to strengthen the impact of UNCTAD's work in the pillars of research and analysis and technical cooperation, by deepening the substantive edge of its research and policy analysis and enhancing the added value of its technical assistance activities, especially in developing countries. It also contributes to building an international platform for discussions and the exchange of information and ideas on competition and consumer protection issues.
The RPP provides competition and consumer protection authorities, governments, researchers on competition and consumer policies, business and civil society organisations research papers, studies and reports for effective regulation and law enforcement, and fosters a deeper understanding of how competition and consumer laws and policies can promote economic growth and inclusive and sustainable development.
The RPP facilitates research cooperation between its partners and informs them of ongoing research and opportunities to encourage partners and delegates to participate in UNCTAD events related to competition and consumer policies.
- Activities
The RPP undertakes the following activities.
- Annual RPP meetings organised on the margins of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy and on Competition Law and Policy meetings.
- Joint research projects or collaboration with UNCTAD in other formats.
- Dissemination of information about relevant events organised by UNCTAD or its partners.
- Promotion of research on competition and consumer policies in developing countries.
- Membership and participation
The RPP is an open and informal network that welcomes researchers and academic institutions working on competition and consumer protection issues. To join the RPP, applicants should contact the UNCTAD secretariat and provide their basic information and the complete information gathering form. Researchers and academic institutions from developing countries or with research interests in developing countries are encouraged to join the RPP.
Partners are expected to participate regularly in RPP activities and provide updates on their ongoing research projects and activities.
- Funding
The RPP does not provide funding for any research project or other collaboration activities.
Research Projects
RPP partners can conduct joint research projects with UNCTAD. Please refer to the Terms of Reference and the Guide for Research Proposal for details.
Mr. Yves Kenfack, Economic Affairs Officer
Ms. Ana Cipriano, Legal Officer