eTrade Readiness Assessments

The eTrade Readiness Assessments provide a snapshot of the e-commerce ecosystem in developing countries and regions for each of the seven pillars of the eTrade for all initiative, which are key to embrace their digital transformation: e-commerce assessments, ICT infrastructure, payment solutions, trade facilitation and logistics, legal and regulatory frameworks,  skills development, and access to finance.  They also address challenges related gender equity and measurement of e-commerce.


  • Enhance knowledge on digital economic developments and their implications for national and regional e-commerce strategies.
  • Strengthen stakeholders’ overall perception of e-commerce and foster public-private dialogue among e-commerce sector participants.
  • Identify the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce growth through a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches (secondary data collection/analysis, focus groups and multi-stakeholder consultations, online surveys, targeted interviews).
  • Identify priority actions, with key stakeholders, in the seven policy areas.
  • Develop synergies and programmes between beneficiary countries and development partners to implement the eTrade Readies recommendations.