Towards model regional trade agreement provisions for trade in essential supplies in
times of crisis
UNCTAD trade policy dialogues provide a forum for candid discussion on topical issues in international trade policy from a development perspective.
This session, organized in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), examines the implications of the COVID-19 crisis on essential supplies and how regional trade agreements (RTAs) could help better address the kind of supply shortages experienced during the height of the pandemic.
The session is held as part of the webinar series Towards model provisions for trade in times of crisis (28-30 October and 2 November), organized by ESCAP in cooperation with UNCTAD, the World Trade Organization, FAO and the other UN regional commissions.
Please register here.
Trade agreementsProgramme
- The International Trading System and Trade Negotiations
- Trade Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
- 1st Trade Policy Dialogue: The multilateral trading system in the post-pandemic new normal
- 3rd Trade Policy Dialogue: Elements of a policy mix for trade-led recovery: Services, creative economy, and making the best of trade agreements
- 4th Trade Policy Dialogue: Welcoming the International Year on Creative Economy for Sustainable Development
- 5th Trade Policy Dialogue: World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 on Trade
- 6th Trade Policy Dialogue: Applying a gender lens to financial inclusion
- 7th Trade Policy Dialogue: Tear down this wall; Challenges with trade-related regulations
- 8th Trade Policy Dialogue: Trade finance under COVID-19
- 9th Trade Policy Dialogue: What role for special and differential treatment on sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade?
- 10th Trade Policy Dialogue: Key issues on the trade and environment nexus; Trade measures in Nationally Determined Contributions and trade in non-plastic material substitutes
- 11th Trade Policy Dialogue: Resilient and sustainable supply chains
- 12th Trade Policy Dialogue: Trade Policy Outlook 2024-Asia and the Pacific
- 12th Trade Policy Dialogue: Trade Preferences Outlook 2024-Africa
Ms. Miho Shirotori
Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD
Mr. Taisuke Ito
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD