Experience of development banks, export-import banks and export credit insurers in
developing countries
International trade showed signs of a strong recovery in the third quarter of 2021, yet the pace of growth remained uneven across countries and regions.
Trade flows continued to increase more strongly for developed economies than for developing ones. One of the possible reasons for the delayed trade recovery in developing countries is the lack of sufficient and adequate provision of trade finance – export credit, export guarantee, and export/import insurance.
A recent estimate by the International Chamber of Commerce suggests a global gap of around US$ 2.5 trillion to US$ 5 trillion to adequately meet the demand for trade finance in the post-COVID recovery period up to 2025.
How significant is the lack of trade finance in developing countries and LDCs? The session seeks to shed light on the specific situations of trade finance in these economies.
Key questions
- What challenges do the providers of trade finance face in developing countries?
- How have these institutions sought to address the challenges associated with trade finance?
- How can the international community, including through regional cooperation, help address trade finance challenges?
Watch event recording
Trade agreementsProgramme
- The International Trading System and Trade Negotiations
- Trade Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
- 1st Trade Policy Dialogue: The multilateral trading system in the post-pandemic new normal
- 2nd Trade Policy Dialogue: Towards model regional trade agreement provisions for trade in essential supplies in times of crisis
- 3rd Trade Policy Dialogue: Elements of a policy mix for trade-led recovery: Services, creative economy, and making the best of trade agreements
- 4th Trade Policy Dialogue: Welcoming the International Year on Creative Economy for Sustainable Development
- 5th Trade Policy Dialogue: World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021 on Trade
- 6th Trade Policy Dialogue: Applying a gender lens to financial inclusion
- 7th Trade Policy Dialogue: Tear down this wall; Challenges with trade-related regulations
- 9th Trade Policy Dialogue: What role for special and differential treatment on sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade?
- 10th Trade Policy Dialogue: Key issues on the trade and environment nexus; Trade measures in Nationally Determined Contributions and trade in non-plastic material substitutes
- 11th Trade Policy Dialogue: Resilient and sustainable supply chains
- 12th Trade Policy Dialogue: Trade Policy Outlook 2024-Asia and the Pacific
- 12th Trade Policy Dialogue: Trade Preferences Outlook 2024-Africa
Ms. Miho Shirotori
Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD
Mr. Taisuke Ito
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD