UNCTAD15 will yield a new, updated mandate for UNCTAD, at a time when all people and global leadership faces one of the biggest challenges of the post second world war time: recovery from the global coronavirus pandemic. Decisions emerging from UNCTAD’s 15th quadrennial conference will shape how developing countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis and move ahead to manage the socio-economic impacts.
Our media centre features the latest breaking news, announcements, information, press releases, reports, commentary, and decisions emerging from the conference. This includes information about a series of pre-events and forums due to take place in the months ahead of the main conference event, which will happen virtually between Bridgetown, Barbados and Geneva, from 3 to 7 October 2021.
UNCTAD’s communications team stands ready to support with interview requests, facilitating Q&As, and in the general dissemination of information on the issues the conference will tackle, namely, how to address systemic inequality and growing vulnerability as we try to forge a pathway to prosperity for all, especially for poorer nations and people.
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The declaration will serve as a springboard for youth diplomacy to grow into a legitimate force and shape the trade and development agenda in the coming years.

During the four-day conference, world leaders, ministers of trade, leading economists and heads of UN agencies and global financial institutions called for a new development model, with socioeconomic transformation and sustainability at its centre.

Good policy choices and actions will make the difference in steering technological change towards economic recovery and development outcomes that leave no one behind.

The 15th session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development was the first to feature a forum dedicated to gender and development.